About diseases and health


Read books about what diseases are and take control over your health.



Diseases are physical manifestations of those of our thought and behavior patterns that hinder us on our life's path.

                                                                       My definition of diseases



If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.


                                                                                  Louise Hay



We are responsible to recognize messages from our bodies, sent in the form of diseases and we are also responsible to respond to those messages.


                                                           Barbara Brennan in Light Emerging



All diseases require change within the patient which requires the giving up, surrender or death of a part of the patient – whether it be a habit, job, life-style, belief system or physical organ.

                                                           Barbara Brennan in Light Emerging



Disease will never be cured or eradicated by present materialistic methods, for the simple reason that disease in its origin is not material. What we know as disease is an ultimate result produced in the body, the end product of deep and long acting forces, and even if material treatment alone is apparently successful this is nothing more than a temporary relief unless the real cause has been removed.

                                                                                       Dr. Edward Bach



Because of our cultural conditioning, we ask for a physical disease diagnosis. We don't just ask for it, we demand it! And we get it. A concrete presentation of the "facts" of a physical disease diagnosis limits our ability to see the greater picture clearly because we take it out of the context of the interrelatedness of our whole being, in which the cause of our disease includes many levels of function and experience. We take it as the full answer and use it to (hopefully) make us feel safe. As a result, we put a lot of pressure on our physicians to take care of our health through diagnosis and treatment. We believe that if we name the disease and know it, we can control it, from a separated, disconnected place. Or better yet, physician can control it.

Indeed, this method works very well for many diseases. It gets rid of the physical symptoms called diseases, but it does not deal with the internal cause connected to the deeper reality within us. In the long run, the practice of diagnosis and treatment of physical symptoms is likely to separate us by one more step from ourselves and our deeper truth.

                                                           Barbara Brennan in Light Emerging




More about diseases in books:


Louise Hay:   Heal Your Body




or free pdf book You can Heal Your Life chapter 14 The Body:






Barbara Brennan: Hands of Light





Barbara Brennan: LIGHT EMERGING











Alzheimer's disease is the result of our excessive separation from our soul.

Our seventh, crown chakra, and the pineal gland are our connection to the spiritual world - our origin or our essence.


Our genes determine only the very basic performance, the structure of our brain. Genes that our brains differ from the chimpanzee brain make up less than one percent. The fact that our brains, already at childbirth, are inappropriately more powerful than a chimpanzee brain is due to the soul, which develops the brain already during pregnancy and prepares us for our life task and life plan.


Although not always, but if we have a problem with the brain, it may be due to our alienation from the spiritual world or our origin. If our source, our soul sees that there is no willingness from us to listen to our inner sense, our conscience, written somewhere deep in our subconscious, our soul tries to alert us, and reduce the energy support to our brain. So Alzheimer's disease is also a manifestation of our alienation from the spiritual world and of losing contact with it. It announces that we're losing touch with our origin, with the spiritual world, which is actually our home.


Last at list when we retire or when we get grandchildren, it's time to start to ask ourselves about our life. Or, as it was quite sharp said by Plato, if you do not ask yourself about your life, it's not worth living it. This is from the point of view of our origin, the eternal soul, and not so much from the point of view of our physical aspect, the physical body and our mind.


This disease, as well as some others, increases because we are increasingly moving away from what we really are. Or, as Rudi Kersevan said; since man invented money, he forgot true God, and bought himself others. Also in this period of our evolution it will be necessary to realize who we are, where we come from and why are we in this world. Neolithic civilizations knew more about it than we know.


Like many others, Alzheimer disease is also related to in descriptions of diseases by Louise Hay, Barbara Brennan and many similar authors. Our life plan, goal, purpose of life, written somewhere in our subconscious, is often very different from what people perceive as the meaning of their life. Why we don’t consciously know about this plan, our former life, the spiritual world, everything we have in our subconscious, and our soul? There are good reasons to it, maybe more about it in another topic.


We do not all have the same life plan or plans. Alzheimer's disease refers above all, to those who have in their life plan that in the last period of their life learn about themselves, their essence, and their origin and do not do this. Finally it would be a little easier to leave this world and transition into a new different world if we know about what is going on. A better and worse time is coming. Better for those who learn and explore what life is and apply it in their life and worse for those who think that they are self-sufficient and imagine that they serve only for themselves.


There are a lot of things we need to learn about what life is, so it makes sense to look for answers, explanations, additional information about things we do not understand or are not acceptable to us, with the purpose that our presence in the material world would not only be a missed opportunity.


This information came from our source.

Being Overweight


This information does not conflict with some known causes of being overweight, which are a lack of exercise and an unhealthy relationship with food. For those that live a healthy lifestyle, yet are still overweight, this information could be useful.

While being overweight is not a disease in the true sense of the word, the process by which it is created, is similar to the process by which disease is created. Being overweight still represents a major problem. The same as most diseases, the cause of obesity is in our head and this will be the place to start to eliminate the causes of it.


At a physiological level, when one is overweight the Lymphatic System is not clean and does not function properly. Basically, it must first be cleaned and the Lymph channels revived, to sweep away waste products and then the cells can begin to be cleaned. The problem is, fear causes blockages in the Lymphatic System. A covering of fat as 'protection' is created by fear. It is also due to a mental lack of security because of various things, material and others. We are not sufficiently prepared for the problems of life, or we are sensitive and afraid to be affected by others.


Obesity and Cellulite are different things, but have similar causes. In both cases, purifying energy blockages in the path of Cosmic and Earth energy are needed as well as purifying the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems. We are not sufficiently aware that the physical systems also transfer spiritual energy throughout the body, particularly blood and Lymph circulation and also the Nervous System, which may not be affected anywhere.


The role of oxygen, as a source of food and life, is important. Every cell must get enough for their needs. If they do not receive enough, they die or accumulate as useless cells, which is what Cellulite is. These deformed cells, do not serve any useful purpose after they die and they create small holes in the tissue. Lack of oxygen usually occurs because of poor lung function. The mental cause can be in our thoughts, as a feeling that we don't live a full enough life, or similar. It can also be subconscious. Consciously we may think that our life is sufficiently complete, while subconsciously we know that we can do more.


Eliminating Obesity is worthwhile, as it cleanses the body of various waste materials, improves blood flow and the Lymphatic System, which ultimately improves the flow of energy throughout the body. Another good effect it has is it gets rid of some bad energy. As the principle of energy is that like attracts like, it therefore has a flow on affect by not attracting as much bad energy from the environment. We could say that coverings of fat and Cellulite, are materialised bad energy.


After cleaning the body in this way, we become more attracted to healthy food and quality of life in general. This refers to behaviour, work and especially relationships with others. Some problems with being overweight, stem from miscommunication in a wider sense. This reason would require a broader interpretation, linked to some other aspect of our life and existence.

Sometimes the cause of overweight is also malfunctioning of thyroid gland.


This are basic information about overweight and some probably need further explanation. I got some more information what can I do as a healer but it requires more knowledge about energy system of the physical body.